The following is a direct adaptation of an example given in my own undergraduate notes - reproduced with permission. Thanks, Dougie.
Comparison of the Linear and Nonlinear Equations of Motion: Aircraft Simulation#
The nonlinear equations of motion have been derived and will be repeated here:
a simulation of this aircraft in the longitudinal plane will be presented in this section. By constraining to longitudinal motion only, the solution of the nonlinear equations is heavily simplified, but the analysis can be expanded for the unconstrained case and if we assume the thrust inclination is zero. The simplifying assumption is:
and the equations describing longitudinal flight may now be we written:
HS125 (Hawker 800) Business Jet)#

The data for the HS125 Business jet are given in the table below. The aerodynamic model gives the lift, drag, and pitching moment coefficients as:
Parameter |
Symbol |
Value |
Mass |
\(m\) |
7500kg |
Wing Area |
\(S\) |
32.8\(\text{m}^2\) |
Pitching Moment of Inertia |
\(I_{yy}\) |
84,309\(\text{kg m}^2\) |
\(\bar{c}\) |
2.29m |
Thrustline vertical displacement |
\(\Delta_{zT}\) |
-0.378m |
Lift Coefficients |
\(C_{L_0},\, C_{L_\alpha},\, C_{L_{\delta_e}}\) |
0.895, 5.01, 0.722 |
Drag Coefficients |
\(C_{D_0},\, C_{D_\alpha},\, C_{D_{\alpha^2}}\) |
0.177, 0.232, 1.393 |
PM Coefficients |
\(C_{M_0},\, C_{M_\alpha},\, C_{M_{\alpha^2},\, C_{M_q}}\) |
-0.046, -1.087, -1.88, -7.055 |
The reduced nonlinear equations of motion can be constructed into a function eqnofmotion800
def eqnofmotion800(y, t=[], Thrust=13878):
# The reduced state vector is a 7 x 1 vector
# y = [U, W, Q, Theta, X_E, Z_E, dE]
# Aircraft Parameters (all in SI)
m=7484.4 # mass = 7484.4kg etc.
s=32.8 #
CDa2= 1.393
# Get the current values of aircraft states
dE = y[6] # Elevator input
U=y[0] # Forward speed
W=y[1] # Heave velocity
Q=y[2] # Pitch rate
Theta=y[3] # Pitch attitude
# Determine some aerodynamic terms
Vf=np.sqrt(U**2 + W**2) # Flight speed
alpha = np.arctan(W/U) # Angle of attack
qh = Q*cbar/Vf # Nondimensional pitch rate
# Aerodynamic coefficients from Hawker model:
CL = CL0 + CLa*alpha + CLde*dE
CD = CD0 + CDa*alpha + CDa2*alpha*alpha
CM = CM0 + CMa*alpha + CMde * dE + CMq*qh
q_inf = .5*rho*Vf**2*s
# Dimensional aero terms
lift = q_inf*CL
drag = q_inf*CD
pm = q_inf*cbar*CM
# Simplified nonlinear equations of motion
ydot = np.zeros(7, dtype='float64')
ydot[0] = -Q*W + (lift*np.sin(alpha) - drag*np.cos(alpha) + Thrust)/m - 9.80665*np.sin(Theta) # Udot
ydot[1] = Q*U + (-lift*np.cos(alpha) - drag*np.sin(alpha))/m + 9.80665*np.cos(Theta) # Wdot
ydot[2] = (pm - Thrust*dZt)/Iyy # M
ydot[3] = Q # ThetaDot
ydot[4] = U*np.cos(Theta) - W*np.sin(Theta) # X_Edot (earth axes)
ydot[5] = U*np.sin(Theta) + W*np.cos(Theta) # Z_Edot (earth axes)
ydot[6] = 0 # No change to elevator
return ydot
To determine the transient aircraft response, first the trim state must be determined.
Trim State Determination#
By definition, the trim case is found by setting the accelerations and angular velocities to zero. Hence the equations of motion become:
The knowns in the above are flightspeed, \(V_f\), density (from altitude), \(\rho\), and climb angle/flight path angle \(\gamma\) (setting \(U_E\) and \(W_E\)). These may be solved via any means you like to get the reference trim state. An example of a Newton-Raphson solver[4] is included below as TrimState
which finds trim using TotalForces
from ambiance import Atmosphere
import numpy as np
def TotalForces(T, de, Theta, Vf, h, gamma):
'''This gives the total forces for the HS 125 simplified longitudinal
Inputs: Thrust/N, elevator deflection/deg, theta/rad, flightspeed/m/s,
# Aircraft Parameters (all in SI)
m=7484.4 # mass = 7484.4kg etc.
s=32.8 #
CDa2= 1.393
g = 9.80665
qh = 0 # Trim definition
rho = Atmosphere(h).density
# Get the Ue and Ve
alpha = Theta - gamma
CL = CL0 + CLa*alpha + CLde*de
CD = CD0 + CDa*alpha + CDa2*alpha*alpha
CM = CM0 + CMa*alpha + CMde * de + CMq*qh
q_infs = .5*rho*Vf**2*s
# Dimensional lift
lift = q_infs*CL
drag = q_infs*CD
pm = q_infs*cbar*CM
# Determine lift and drag
F = np.zeros((3, 1))
F[0] = T - drag*np.cos(alpha) + lift*np.sin(alpha) - m*g*np.sin(Theta)
F[1] = -lift*np.cos(alpha) -drag*np.sin(alpha) + m*g*np.cos(Theta)
F[2] = pm - T*dZt
return F
def TrimState(Vf = 120 * 0.5144444, h = 0, gamma = 0):
'''This function solves for the longitudinal trim of the HS125 using a Newton-Raphson method'''
# First guess and increments for the jacobian <---- may need to adjust these
T = 15000
dT = 1
de = 0*np.pi/180
dde = .01*np.pi/180
Theta = 2*np.pi/180
dTheta = dde;
# Gets the value of the functions at the initial guess
trim = TotalForces(T, de, Theta, Vf, h, gamma);
Trimstate = np.array([[T], [de], [Theta]])
itercount = 0
while max(abs(trim)) > 1e-5:
itercount = itercount + 1
# Get value of the function
trim = TotalForces(T, de, Theta, Vf, h, gamma);
# Get the Jacobian approximation (3 x 3)
JT = np.squeeze(TotalForces(T + dT, de, Theta, Vf, h, gamma)/dT)
Jde = np.squeeze(TotalForces(T, de + dde, Theta, Vf, h, gamma)/dde)
JTheta = np.squeeze(TotalForces(T, de, Theta + dTheta, Vf, h, gamma)/dTheta)
Jac = np.transpose(np.array([JT, Jde, JTheta]))
# Get the next iteration
Trimstate = Trimstate -, trim)
T = Trimstate[0]
de = Trimstate[1]
Theta = Trimstate[2]
print(f"Converged after {itercount} iterations")
print(f'For inputs of Vf = {Vf:1.2f}m/s, h = {h/1e3:1.2f}km, gamma = {gamma:1.2f}deg\n')
print(f'Thrust = {T[0]/1e3:1.2f}kN, de = {np.degrees(de[0]):1.2f}deg, Theta = {np.degrees(Theta[0]):1.2f}deg\n')
return Trimstate
Converged after 1390 iterations
For inputs of Vf = 61.73m/s, h = 0.00km, gamma = 0.00deg
Thrust = 13.84kN, de = -0.98deg, Theta = 0.84deg
For a trim input of sea-level and 120kn, the trim is found to be - \(T = 13.84\)kN, \(\delta_e = -0.98^\circ\), \(\Theta = 0.84^\circ\). A quick sense check shows that the aircraft is slightly nose up (less than a degree) so the aerodynamic pitching moment from the wing/fuselage will be nose-up, and the elevator is deflected trailing edge up to balance the pitching moment.
Transient Simulation#
For level flight (trim), the initial conditions are given from from the previous step - if the aircraft remains undisturbed, then there will be no variation in any of the parameters. The nonlinear equations cannot be solved analytically, so if the aircraft response to control inputs is desired, then a numerical scheme must be used.
The case of a positive elevator deflection corresponding to a stick-forward displacement will be explored. First, the response to a \(\delta_e^\prime=1^\circ\) will be explored - this is equivalent to the pilot pushing the stick forward and holding it, keeping other controls constant.
The equations are solved numerically using scipy
’s odeint
(which is very similar to ODE45 in MATLAB)
# Set the inputs
de = -1
de = np.radians(de)
h = 0
Vf = 120*.51444
gamma = 0
# Determine the trim state
trimstate = TrimState(Vf, h, gamma)
alpha = trimstate[2] - gamma
Ue = Vf*np.cos(alpha)
We = Vf*np.sin(alpha)
Qe = 0
ThetaE = trimstate[2]
Xe = 0
Ze = h;
# Initial conditions
from scipy.integrate import odeint
y0 = np.array([Ue[0], We[0], Qe, ThetaE[0], Xe, Ze, (de + trimstate[1])[0]])
t = np.linspace(0, 100, 1000)
output = odeint(eqnofmotion800, y0, t, args=(trimstate[0],))
U = output[:, 0]
W = output[:, 1]
Q = output[:, 2]
Theta = output[:, 3]
Alt = output[:, 5]
alpha = np.arctan2(W, U)
FS = np.sqrt(U**2 + W**2)
# Plot 'em
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import plotly.graph_objects as go
fig = make_subplots(rows=3, cols=2, subplot_titles=("Forward Speed", "Heave Velocity", "Pitch Rate", "Pitch Attitude", "Altitude", "AoA"))
go.Scatter(x = t, y = U, showlegend=False), row=1, col=1)
go.Scatter(x = t, y = W, showlegend=False), row=1, col=2)
go.Scatter(x = t, y = Q, showlegend=False), row=2, col=1)
go.Scatter(x = t, y = Theta, showlegend=False), row=2, col=2)
go.Scatter(x = output[:, 4], y = Alt, showlegend=False), row=3, col=1)
go.Scatter(x = t, y = alpha, showlegend=False), row=3, col=2)
# Store these data for later
tNonlinear = t
Unonlinear = U
Wnonlinear = W
Qnonlinear = Q
Thetanonlinear = Theta
fig.update_xaxes(title_text="Time", row=1, col=1)
fig.update_yaxes(title_text=f"U / (m/s)", row=1, col=1)
fig.update_xaxes(title_text="Time", row=1, col=2)
fig.update_yaxes(title_text=f"W / (m/s)", row=1, col=2)
fig.update_xaxes(title_text="Time", row=2, col=1)
fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Q / (deg/s)", row=2, col=1)
fig.update_xaxes(title_text="Time", row=2, col=2)
fig.update_yaxes(title_text="θ / deg", row=2, col=2)
fig.update_xaxes(title_text="Horizontal Distance", row=3, col=1)
fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Alt / m", row=3, col=1)
fig.update_xaxes(title_text="Time", row=3, col=2)
fig.update_yaxes(title_text="AoA / deg", row=3, col=2)
Converged after 1390 iterations
For inputs of Vf = 61.73m/s, h = 0.00km, gamma = 0.00deg
Thrust = 13.84kN, de = -0.98deg, Theta = 0.84deg
/var/folders/4w/4bcfp26j6_1gn39czlk991z80000gn/T/ipykernel_85599/ DeprecationWarning: Conversion of an array with ndim > 0 to a scalar is deprecated, and will error in future. Ensure you extract a single element from your array before performing this operation. (Deprecated NumPy 1.25.)
ydot[0] = -Q*W + (lift*np.sin(alpha) - drag*np.cos(alpha) + Thrust)/m - 9.80665*np.sin(Theta) # Udot
/var/folders/4w/4bcfp26j6_1gn39czlk991z80000gn/T/ipykernel_85599/ DeprecationWarning: Conversion of an array with ndim > 0 to a scalar is deprecated, and will error in future. Ensure you extract a single element from your array before performing this operation. (Deprecated NumPy 1.25.)
ydot[2] = (pm - Thrust*dZt)/Iyy # M